Q - I was most impressed with the Pavilion. Nicely done and no doubt will be appreciated by the students on Eleuthera as well as visitors to the Island. Good reason to make a class field trip to the Preserve and Eleuthera.
On a more personal note, what is your favorite thing to do on Eleuthera when you’re not otherwise working on the Preserve?
A - I am a botanist and a rambler so when I have free time I like to grab a vehicle and go exploring around the island. I really love going up the back roads and looking for interesting species to collect and to take digital imagery of as well as find some remote beach. One never knows what one will find just over the next ridge or around the bend.
Our thanks to Dr. Freid for his time and special thanks to the Levy Foundation and the Bahamas National Trust for providing the Native Plant Preserve on Eleuthera. It is a wonderful addition to the Island and sure to be enjoyed by many who live on or visit Eleuthera.
For more information, visit the Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve website.
© 2011 Perry Joseph